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Rouquaya Mouss

Hello! My name is Rouquaya Mouss, like “mousse au chocolat” but without “e”. I am 25 years old and studying computer science, but I have a passion for learning anything! This is due to my childhood dream of “becoming an explorer”, not just...

Hysein Damati

Hi! My name is Hysein Damati. I feel enthusiastic about entrepreneurship and have been active as a Project Manager since more than eight years with various NGOs in Kosovo (2012-2020). I finished my studies in Mass Communication at AAB University. Currently, I am the...


REcheck every invention – by Tamara Lamanova

New reality. No one could imagine such a future. The crisis showed that Europe had turned into a block of flats. Each country closed the border like a door thinking that its flat would escape the terrible fate of the neighbors. Nevertheless, the crisis affects every...