My Vision of Europe in 2050


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  • İn this video l spare my thoughst on how Europe’s urban transmation plans will be socia-culturally and economically. Urban regenemation includes delusions and practices that install a new identity and character in socia economic, economic and physical aspects of abandoned and absolete urban areas. The photos you see in this video are old and idle industris and factories. These factories are important in terms of being in the city center. But today with the industrialization the demand for labor force has desreased and therefore many factories have been closed. These factories regain their function and are sustanable development of the urban transformation process acceleration is of great importance.Towards 2050, Europe’s main goal is socio-cultural, economic and physical aspects, to minimize history resolutions to increase demand for industrial areas to increase demand. The success of the urban transformation process; sustainability, social participation, economic, social and cultural dimensions depends on handling. The correct plan taken in the urbanization process in Europe’s 2050 vision decisions will be important in terms of revitalizing and evaluating areas left in urban centers. Finally, I’m looking at the solution of urban problems ʼ economic, physical, social and a comprehensive solution to provide a permanent solution to environmental conditions I see it as a vision and action.